ARCHIA LIMITED is moderately equipped with backup services and business understanding involving a wide range of companies in the industry. ARCHIA LIMITED was incorporated with main focus on Architectural and engineering services although we have since diversified. ARCHIA LIMITED ranks among the fastest-growing Companies. The company is well known in the area of Architectural design, construction of Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Dams, Electrical Installations, Water Borehole Drilling Distributions, and Estate Development, Landscaping and Horticultural Designs including technical support services to oil companies and industries, general contracts and supplies.
The core business specialty of ARCHIA LIMITED, includes, but not limited to the following areas:
- Civil and electromechanical engineering construction services.
- Sustainable on-site wastewater treatment (domestic, municipal and industrial), recycling and disposal solutions using modern hybrid/integrated technology, sound environmental management concepts and ecological friendly best practices.
- Procurement, sales, supplies, installation, maintenance and services of all environment and public health sanitation related equipment and plants.
- Renewable energy provision (SOLAR, BIOMASS, WIND)
- General contract and allied services.